Age : 18 minimum
Disclaimer: The content of ABKingdom site is for adults.
ABKingdom is a community site dedicated to diapers fans. Although it is not really a porn site, the content may be offensive or misunderstood by some people, so you must be 18 years or older to view it.
By agreeing to enter this site, you confirm having read and understood this warning, as well as being minimum age.
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For more information about diapers fetish, please visit the site Diaper Alliance Foundation:
Diaper Alliance Foundation
RTA Label
To protect minors, this site uses the RTA protection system. ICRA has ended and is not supported anymore.
You can enable parental control on your side to avoid your kids to visit this website.
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This website has been certified safe by Norton.
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

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Advertise on ABKingdom
Established in 1999, ABKingdom has become one of the sites dedicated to diaper addicts the most known and visited in the world. It offers news, forums, photos, stories, products, classifieds and a directory of websites to more than 61,000 members and numerous guests.

The ads are displayed on almost every page of the site. Consultation of certain pages requires however that users register.

Site statistics: (Source: Google Analytics for January 2014)
Pageviews: 8364000 per month (about 278800 per day)
Visits: 351000 per month (about 11700 per day)
Unique visitors: 143000 per month (about 4800 per day)
Europe: 71%
France: 35%, Germany: 12%, England: 4%, Belgium: 3%, Switzerland: 2%, Netherlands: 2%, ...
Americas: 26%
United States: 17%, Canada: 6%, ...
Asia, Oceania, Africa: 3%
Japan: 1%, Australia: 1%, ...
Advertising space and rates
Banner 1 : Medium Rectangle
Medium Rectangle
(300 x 250px)
The Medium Rectangle is visible on the right or at the bottom of most pages:
Prices for the Medium Rectangle:

Monthly price
1 month
3 months
6 months
First time?
If you advertise for the first time on ABKingdom, you can try one month with our welcome offer.
Banner 2 : Full Banner
Full Banner (468 x 60px)
The Full Banner is visible on the top of all pages, it's the best placement:
Prices for the Full Banner:

Monthly price
1 month
3 months
6 months
First time?
If you advertise for the first time on ABKingdom, you can try one month with our welcome offer.
Options available
- You can provide up to 3 different banners which will be rotated in your slot. (+9.00€ for each additional banner)
- By default your campaign will be visible by anyone, you can provide a list of countrie codes to limit your campaign to specific countries (ie. FR, DE, IT...). (Free)
- You can provide a specific address for the landing page of your banner (ie. a specific page used for your campaign statistics). (Free)
Technical specifications of advertising
- Ads must clearly identify the advertiser and/or product or service that is being promoted.
- Ads with animation or sound are not accepted.
- The effects outside the location set for the advertisements are not allowed.
- Pop-ups or pop-unders are not permitted.
Interested? Here are the steps to follow
- Prepare your banner in the format and specifications indicated.
- Send an email to and attach your banner for approval, with information about your website, the number of months ordered and the desired start date for your campaign.
- Once your campaign is validated, you make the payment requested before the start of your campaign, implicitly accepting the commercial terms detailed below.
- Once your payment is received, your campaign will be displayed from the desired start date and for the duration ordered.

They trusted us
Commercial terms
- Advertising material is stored on the ABKingdom website.
- Advertising space on the ABKingdom website are not exclusive and can be displayed in rotation with other advertising campaigns.
- Once the campaign is approved, payment must be made before the scheduled release date. If payment is not received on time, the campaign will be canceled.
- ABKingdom reserves the right to refuse any campaign that would be considered inappropriate or competitive.
- Once started, a campaign can be canceled at any time, but can not give rise to any reimbursement.
- Advertising material of a started campaign can be changed on request subject to validation. No warranty is given about the time of this validation and the update of advertising material online.
- ABKingdom undertakes to use its best efforts to deliver 100% of the volume ordered. If despite his best efforts, ABKingdom is unable to deliver 100% of the volume ordered, the customer can not claim any compensation of any kind.

- The customer guarantees ABKingdom against any sentence or other consequences that may result from the action of a third party because of this connection, especially if the content on that website, and redirected sites from this site would be contrary to current regulations, public order or morality.
- ABKingdom undertakes to disseminate the advertising campaign underwritten by the client under the contract. If modified to intervene in the conditions of production and/or dissemination of an advertising campaign, ABKingdom informs the customer and collects its agreement with the expected changes. The client may cancel the insertion order exclusively on the basis of substantial and earnest reasons and without being able to claim compensation of any kind.
- In any event, ABKingdom can not be held liable for consequential damages including any additional costs such as, commercial loss, financial loss, lost customers, lost revenues, lost profits, loss control, loss of data, loss of savings, any disturbance to business, lost profits, damage to brand image, even if these damages were foreseeable and were brought to its attention.
- In all cases and without prejudice to the foregoing provisions, responsibility of ABKingdom is limited to the amount of the advertising campaign that led to the involvement of the responsibility, and that whatever the cause of the involvement of the responsibility and all causes.
- ABKingdom reserves the right to suspend and/or automatically terminate, at any time, without delay, without formality and without the right to award the contract in case of failure by the customer of any provision of the contract or if ABKingdom thinks the actions of the customer may incur liability or for fraud or manifest unfairness of the client or if all or part of advertising turned out to be not in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the conditions of this contract, morality or public order. This suspension/termination will not preclude the customer that ABKingdom demands damages based on injury.
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