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Diaper Alliance Foundation
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Fétichisme des couches et actualités pour adultes

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à propos de Belts and Napkins : 
This is the greatest story that I have ever read, it would be great to see you writing ano[...]
à propos de An Accident in Aisle 9 : 
Great story!
à propos de White Ribbon : 
Nice but short

à propos de A different schoolgirl : 
absolutely amazing :)
à propos de A different schoolgirl : 
Great! Thank you!
Stories about ABDL, diapers and everything related...
148 documents
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Here is a story about how patience and pressure can warm even the coldest of souls. All it takes is love. Taken from "Gratification Six: Mind Games & Melt Downs", here is a story about how patience and pressure can warm even the coldest of souls. All it takes is love.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Platonique ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Initiation ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Enfance ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  1  7 1004 vues
Two girls become diaper lovers and enjoy every moment together.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Porno ,  Lesbiennes ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Initiation ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans  1  21 3191 vues
Here is a story about the completion of want as a schoolgirl goes striaght to the head of her class.
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Initiation ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  3 663 vues
Lynnette NON LU
Lynette gets abducted and drugged to become incontinent. Lynnette learns to cope with her condition with the help of her friend.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Familial ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans  3  10 3950 vues
The Sleepover NON LU
While Harry's parents are on a vacation, his sister and her friends turn Harry into a cute baby girl.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Platonique ,  Familial ,  Uro ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  15 2176 vues
Mommy always makes sure i'm well looked after while She's out on one of Her dates, usually leaving me in the hands of my no-nonsense Nanny, Mrs Dobson...
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans  3 2091 vues
Aunt Emma is so hot and i just can't help getting excited whenever She comes to visit. Sadly my Mommy has banned all "big boy" activities and this is what can happen when i break the rules...
Tags :  Histoire complète ,  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Hétéro ,  Familial ,  Couple ,  Régression (AB) ,  Punition/BDSM ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction
Il y a 11 ans  4 2208 vues
Three girls visit a Nursery where they can act out their wishes and desires: wetting and messing their underwear whenever they want! Unfortunately, Chapter 3 is missing.
Tags :  Récit (long) ,  Scato ,  Régression (AB) ,  Plastique ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  3  26 3278 vues
This is a revamp of the orginal story. the original isn't mine,and i give full credit to whoever did the original cause i couldn't find an author name. i changed alot about this story.
Tags :  Nouvelle (court) ,  Erotique ,  Lesbiennes ,  Hétéro ,  Couple ,  Uro ,  Régression (AB) ,  Fun (non-ABDL) ,  Fétichisme (DL) ,  Fiction ,  Fantasy
Il y a 11 ans  10 2516 vues
Ally is shown a pathway to her own private wonderland that fear would've prevented from seeing otherwise.
Il y a 11 ans  3 651 vues
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